Author Archives: Siara

On Hold with Sean Giovanni

25th May 2019

This week, I am so excited to share Sean Giovanni’s story with you. He is the owner of The Record Shop, a recording studio and production company here in Nashville, TN. Sean “Gio” graciously allowed me to shadow him in the studio for various sessions when I first moved to Nashville. Our paths continued crossing and today, he is such a wonderful friend and mentor. His story is one for everyone, and he has taught me such a valuable lesson that I am thrilled to share with you all. Tune in for On Hold with Sean Giovanni!

On Hold with Tarah Duarte

16th May 2019

This week, I am On Hold with Tarah Duarte. Tarah and I used to worked together at a record label when we both first moved to Nashville. Our stories are so similar and we became friends immediately. Navigating through Nashville isn’t simple, but Tarah was always a positive force for me and showed me that no matter the struggle or how challenging some days can be, you are never alone. I am so happy to introduce her to you, but even more happy I can call her my friend. Here is Tarah Duarte.

On Hold with Dennis Banka

8th May 2019

Dennis Banka is the Program Director for WUCZ in Carthage, TN. We sat down for the first time at Country Radio Seminar in February, and our interview was cut short due to a soundcheck happening in the same room. Sometimes, you really can’t put everything On Hold in the music industry. Fortunately, Dennis was kind enough to sit down with me again, this time at his radio station. We talk all things country radio and how he’s protecting the format. Thanks for tuning in!

On Hold with Austin Evans

1st May 2019

I had the pleasure to sit down and speak with Workshop Music founder, and CEO Austin Evans. He and his wife Kayla established the Workshop Music, a 24 hour songwriting studio, four years ago. Austin was also one of the first people I met when I moved to Nashville three years ago. He and Kayla are so supportive of the songwriters and artists they meet through the Workshop and it is such a privilege to share his story with you.

Follow The Workshop Music

Facebook – @theworkshopnashville

Instagram @TheWorkshopMusic

On Hold with JD Justice

17th April 2019

This week’s guest is JD Justice. He is the new program director for the station KXIA in Marshalltown, IA. It is such a joy speaking with someone who is passionate with music and their career. JD is the new program director, but it’s already so apparent how much he cares. Thanks for tuning in!

On Hold with M.Fletch Brown

10th April 2019

This week’s episode of On Hold with Siara features another one of my favorite country radio program directors, M. Fletch Brown. He’s with WXFL in Florence, Alabama. It’s always a fun time when we get to visit. As much fun as we have, he also gives some wonderful advice to the artists I work with, and especially to my listeners on his episode!

On Hold with Siara

27th March 2019

I have been so excited introduce this project with you. I have always loved listening to podcasts and I have always had the idea of hosting my own. Country Radio Seminar (CRS) felt like the perfect place to start, at least I thought. Over the years and several conversations and radio tours later, some of these program directors I communicate with weekly, have really turned in to some wonderful friends. Almost every time I call program directors, I am put on hold, so I thought hosting a podcast called “On Hold with Siara” would be something different and fun for them at CRS this year. I was able to interview four of my favorite program directors. After these first four episodes, On Hold will feature artists, musicians and others working behind the scenes in the music industry.

This podcast has also taught me so much about myself. I am so comfortable jumping head first into anything new and just running with it. Eventually, I always figure it out. This hasn’t exactly happened with the podcast. There have been some hurdles (using the correct equipment, using the correct programs, etc.) and although this has been a very humbling process so far, it is teaching me that asking for help is never anything to be embarrassed or ashamed of. I am so exited to keep this going and progressing along the way (episode 5 will sound great)!!

On Hold really could not have happened without some people I am incredibly fortunate to have in my life. First and foremost, I want to thank Ryan Swinehart. When you hear how great the audio sounds (and how much better it will progress) it’s ALL because of him. He’s also an incredible saxophone player, audio engineer and he’s been really patient through this whole process. When you get my jingle stuck in your head, that is all Samuel Lee’s fault. He’s one of my best friends and also a ridiculously talented musician. Check out his Spotify and thank me later. When you see my graphic that makes you actually want to listen to my podcast, you can blame Wonder Woman herself, Amie Jakoboski Appel. A huge thank you goes out to my first interviewees who took breaks from their insane CRS schedules; Ryan McCall, Fletch Brown, JD Justice and Dennis Banka! Without these people, On Hold would have just remained an idea. They all helped bring my vision to life. Never be afraid to ask for help, because it is so worth it.

I hope you put everything else On Hold and tune in!

It’ll All Be Alright…

18th March 2019


In general, it would be so simple for me to say that recently everything has been so wonderful. I would be lying if I didn’t say even with the amount of good that has happened, when I reflect, I only think back to one tiny detail that left me feeling pretty down. After this day, a friend reached out and asked if I would meet up with someone and talk to them about my journey so far in Nashville. Without hesitation, I said yes, but on the day of, it took all I had not to bail.

On my way to meet for coffee, I kept thinking to myself what kind of life advice I would even be able to give to this girl. Was I really the right person who should be guiding her or pointing her in any direction? Have I even been that successful? Have I reached any of my goals since moving here? I immediately felt so guilty because I wanted to help her, I just didn’t feel like I was the right person. Once we sat down and started talking, everything changed. Continue reading

It’s Not Always Black and White

25th January 2019

It’s really been one of those weeks where most things have done just about everything except fall in to place. After several conversations with close friends and my mom, I have also realized it hasn’t been one these weeks for only me. So, if you also lost power with minutes left of getting ready, felt forced to accept winter, felt bummed your friend can’t visit because she’s sick, or even felt inadequate in any facet, then this post is for you!

When I have these days, it’s so simple and tirelessly frustrating focusing on ONLY the negatives. Then I feel lost in an endless downward spiral. This usually results in disregarding all the wonderful things that have also happened this week. I am not naïve to the fact that as humans, we will have negative experiences and bad days, but it can always get better (and for those who are now saying, yes and it can always get worse, it most certainly will with that attitude.)

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